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What is a Keyboard कीबोर्ड क्या है কীবোৰ্ড কি ?


They Keyboard is the primary means of input for a computer. Most computer functions are triggered by key commands, many of which cannot be performed with the mouse alone.कीबोर्ड कंप्यूटर के लिए इनपुट का प्राथमिकसाधन है। अधिकांश कंप्यूटर फ़ंक्शन कुंजी कमांड द्वारा ट्रिगर होते हैं, जिनमें से कई केवल माउस के साथ नहीं किए जा सकते हैं

This is a standard “QWERTY” keyboard. Keyboards come in all shapes and sizes, but the general layout of the keys are identical to the above image.
यह एक मानक "QWERTY" कीबोर्ड है। कीबोर्ड सभी आकार और आकारों में आते हैं, लेकिन चाबियों का सामान्य लेआउट उपरोक्त छवि के समान होता है।


The name “QWERTY” comes from the layout of the keys beginning with Q and ending in M. The letters are arranged by frequency of use in the English language with commonly used letters allocated to natural resting places of the hands on the keyboard. Letters (Q,W,E,R,T,Y), Numbers (1,2,3,4,5), Symbols (!,@,#,$,%), SPACEBAR, (inserts a pause or “space”) and Arrows (←↑→↓) function primarily to input data, and do not have an extra function unless otherwise specified in a specific program or paired with another key. BACKSPACE can be used to erase one letter behind the text cursor ( | ) in a field where text can be altered like a document or an email. Outside of this context BACKSPACE usually navigates to previous page or screen. 

                      DELETE in the context of text will erase one letter in front of the text cursor. Outside of this context DELETE is usually used to delete a file.ENTER (or RETURN) in the context of text will create a break in the document and begin a new paragraph. ENTER can also function as a confirm command or the equivalent of a mouse click if an object is highlighted. Some text fields, such as a status box on Facebook, will interpret a ENTER stroke as confirm, and not a break. Depressing SHIFT while striking the ENTER key will not be interpreted as a confirmation and should create a break in this cases. 

           TAB in the context of text will create an indent of a set measurement… …like so. This only works in text where the formatting will recognize indentation. For instance, a Microsoft Word document will recognize indentation, most email does not. Outside of the context of formatable text 
TAB will cycle through fields. If there are a set of text boxes on a website, for instance, TAB can be used to select the next one so that you do not need to use the mouse and click on the next field to continue.


Many keys on the keyboard function differently based on context
When pressed these keys will input the character displayed at the bottom of the key, for instance the key labeled [! 1] will input the character [1] when pressed. When the SHIFT key is depressed at the same time the input will be the character on the top of the key, in this case [!]. 
SHIFT will also capitalize the input of letter keys.
SHIFT also functions as a means to select continuous regions of data by depressing the shift key and using the arrow keys to create a region,such as in highlighting a sentence in a document like this.

Selecting regions is also possible with the CTRL key, but they don’t have to be continuous, like with this sentence.

ALT does nothing on its own. ALT functions as an Alternating Key, triggering a secondary function of a different key, and is used with keyboard shortcuts (which we’ll cover later). This is often program specific

CTRL does nothing on its own either and will trigger the secondary function of another key, just like ALT. CTRL usually triggers a system function such as printing. As with ALT this will be covered in Keyboard Shortcuts.


The NUMPAD is a secondary set of keys used for entering numeric data. They do not have any extra function, and exist just for convenience for inputting numerical data.

CAPS LOCK acts like a switch and will reverse the function of the SHIFT key’s effect on letters, inputting them as capital unless the SHIFT key is depressed.

NUM LOCK acts like a switch and is used to enable or disable the NUM PAD.

INSERT is used with inputting text and will set the computer in a mode that when toggled on will replace each letter ahead of the text cursor with what is typed. By default text is inserted with the text cursor, it does not replace text.

HOME will bring the text cursor to the beginning of a line.

END will bring the text cursor to the end of a line.

PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN will scroll a window up or down the equivalent of one screen.

PRTSCN (remember to depress SHIFT as well) “Print Screen” will perform what is called a “Screen Capture”, copying your entire screen, which you can later paste into a program like Microsoft Word.

Function keys are all contextual and usually pertain to advanced system maintenance, but not always. A casual user should have no reason to ever really use them. One good use of an Function Key to know is in regards with booting your computer in SAFE MODE, which is a special setting meant for resolving critical errors like viruses or corrupted files. To trigger safe mode strike F8 when booting up, before Microsoft Windows opens.

What is  keyboard input ? कीबोर्ड इनपुट क्या है ?

The keyboard is an input device that allows you to enter letters, numbers and symbols into your computer. The keyboard keys include the alphanumeric keys (letters and numbers), numeric keypad (may not be available on netbooks/laptops), special function keys, mouse cursor moving keys, and status lights.

कीबोर्ड एक इनपुट डिवाइस है जो आपको अपने कंप्यूटर में अक्षरों, संख्याओं और प्रतीकों को दर्ज करने की अनुमति देता है। कीबोर्ड कीज़ में अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक कुंजियाँ (अक्षर और संख्याएँ), न्यूमेरिक कीपैड (नेटबुक/लैपटॉप पर उपलब्ध नहीं हो सकती हैं), विशेष फ़ंक्शन कुंजियाँ, माउस कर्सर मूविंग कुंजियाँ और स्टेटस लाइट शामिल हैं।

What is keyboard explain ?

A keyboard is for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer. You press the individual buttons on the keyboard when you type. The number keys across the top of the keyboard are also found on the right of the keyboard. The letter keys are in the centre of the keyboard.

Which type of keyboards are best ?
TL;DR - These are the Best Keyboards:
* Keychron K4 V2 Wireless.
* Corsair K70 RGB MK...
* Logitech K780.
* Corsair K83 Wireless.
* Keychron K1 (Version 4)
* Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop.
* Das Keyboard 4C TKL.
* Razer Pro Type.
How many keys are there in keyboard ?
The standard computer keyboards typically contain 101 keys for inputting character sets including alphabets, numbers, symbols, or functions.
What is keyboard made of ?
The outer part of the keyboard is made up of the plastic that we press, while the internal part of the keyboard is made up of plastic and rubber which makes it elastic when we press it the key comes back to its position. Under the internal part of the keyboard, there is a circuit that is made up of steel or Aluminium.
What are main parts of keyboard ?
There are five main parts to most desktop keyboards. These parts include the alphanumeric keypad, the numeric keypad, the arrow keys, the control keys, and the function keys.
What is the fastest keyboard
SteelSeries, the leading global manufacturer of gaming peripherals, today introduced the world's fastest, most customizable mechanical gaming keyboard – The Apex M800. SteelSeries' new mechanical switches deliver 25% faster actuation than the standard mechanical keyboard

What is the full form of Keyboard ? Keyboard का full form क्या है ?

The Full Form of Keyboard is keys Electronic Yet Board Operating A to z Response Directly.
A Keyboard Shortcut is a term used for pressing a modifier key with basic key in order to trigger a secondary function of that basic key.
      When performing a Keyboard Shortcut you hold down the modifier key and strike the basic key. Often Keyboard Shortcuts are program specific, especially when the modifier key ALT is used.

(Where “+” means “press with”)

CTRL + Q = Quit (Exit a Program)

CTRL + W = Close Window

CTRL + A = Select All

CTRL + S = Save

CTRL + F = Find

CTRL + Z = Undo

CTRL + X = Cut

CTRL + C = Copy

CTRL + V = Paste

CTRL + P = Print

ALT + TAB = Switch windows

ALT + F = File menu options in current program

ALT + E = Edit options in current program

SHIFT + INS = Paste

CTRL +  ← = Move one word to the left at a time

CTRL + → = Move one word to the right at a time

MS Word Shortcut Keys

CTRL + A = Select all contents of the page

CTRL + B = Bold highlighted selection

CTRL + X  = Copy Select Tex

CTRL + N = Open neublank document

CTRL + O = Open option

CTRL + P = Open the print window

CTRL + F = Open find box


নেভিগেশ্যনলৈ যাওকসন্ধানলৈ যাওক

কীব'ৰ্ড বা চাবিফলক Keyboard এটি ইনপুট ডিভাইচ্, ইয়াৰ সহায়ত কম্পিউটাৰলৈ বা আন কোনো যন্ত্ৰলৈ বাৰ্তা প্ৰেৰণ কৰা হয়

টাইপ ৰাইটাৰৰ কীব'ৰ্ড

১৮৭৫ত মেঠিউ ৰ'পাৰে টাইপ ৰাইটাৰৰ (QWERTY) কীব'ৰ্ডৰ ধাৰণা সৃষ্টি কৰে টাইপ ৰাইটাৰত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলৈ। খ্ৰিষ্টফাৰ চ'ল্সেও কীব'ৰ্ডত বৰঙনি যোগায়।

QWERTY কীব'ৰ্ড

টাইপ ৰাইটাৰৰ উদ্ভাৱক খ্ৰিষ্টফাৰ চ'ল্সে প্ৰথম বৰ্তমান ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা ধৰণে কীব'ৰ্ডখন ডিজাইন কৰে। QWERTY কীব'ৰ্ডৰ এল্ফাবেটিকেল কীবোৰৰ প্ৰথম শাৰীৰ বাঁওফালৰ পৰা ৬টা আখৰেই হ'ল Q, W, E, R, T, Y


কীব'ৰ্ডত এল্ফাবেটিক, নিউমাৰিকেল, কাৰ্চৰ, স্পেচিয়েল, ফাংচন- এইকেইটা প্ৰকাৰৰ কী থাকে।

এল্ফাবেটিক আৰু নিউমাৰিকেল কী

এল্ফাবেটিক কী আখৰ লিখিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। নিউমাৰিকেল পেডৰ নিউমাৰিকেল কী নিউমাৰিকেল লক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি সংখ্যা লিখিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যায় অন্যথা এই কীসমূহক কাৰ্চৰ কীৰ দৰে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি। অন্য নিউমাৰিকেল কী সংখ্যা লিখিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যায়৷

ফাংচন কী

ফাংচন কীক নিজৰ মতে প্ৰগ্ৰাম কৰি ল'ব পাৰি।

কাৰ্চৰ কী

কাৰ্চৰ কীসমূহ স্ক্ৰীনত কাৰ্চৰডাল লৰাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷

স্পেচিয়েল কী

স্পেচিয়েল কী যেনে টেব, প্ৰিণ্ট স্ক্ৰীন আদিৰ বিভিন্ন বেলেগ বেলেগ ব্যৱহাৰ আছে৷