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Accounting Fundamentals Part 1



1.1 Introduction

* In all activities and in all organizations that require money and other economic resources. accounting is required to account for these resources. 

In other words, wherever money is involved, accounting is required to account for it.

* The purpose of accounting is to provide a means of recording, reporting, summarizing, and interpreting economic data. In order to do this, an accounting system must be designed.

* Accounting is the language of business. 

*It has its origin from stewardship accounting' from 15 century when wealthy men used to employ stewards to manage their accounts. 

1.2  Is Accounting A Science Or An Art?

*  Accounting is both science and an art.

* Science may be defined as a systematized body of knowledge based on certain principles, which have universal application.

* Art, on the other hand, is the application of knowledge comprising of some accepted theories, principles, rules, concepts and conventions. It helps us to achieve our goals and tells us the manner in which we may attain our objectives in the best possible way. The more we practice an art the more expert we become in it.

* Accounting is a science because recording, classifying and summarizing of business transactions is done on the basis of certain principles such as principles of Double Entry System, which are universally applicable.

* Accounting is based on certain concepts and conventions and is subject to some limitations. It is influenced by bias and personal judgment of the accountant. The more a person does accounting, the more proficient he becomes in it. To this extent, accounting is still an art.

 1.3   Branches Of Accounting




 * This is the original form of accounting and has been in use since the  beginning.

* It includes Bookkeeping and Accountancy and is mainly related to recording and preparation of financial statements. 






 * It is that area of accounting, which assists the management in efficient and  successful operation of the organization concerned.


* It is concerned with analysis, interpretation of financial accounting to ! derive meaning full conclusions for future growth


*  There are number of tools/techniques for this purpose like ratio analysis, fund flow & cash flow statement analysis, comparative statements etc.

 Cost accounting :

 *It deals with the estimation, recording, allocation and control of costs.


*It is followed by manufacturing concerns.

The Object is to :-

1.Compute the cost of product being manufactured.


2. Curb the cost through application of cost control techniques.


1.4 Definition of Accountinon of Accounting



 Financial Accounting is the Process of

1. Identifying,

2. Measuring,

3. Recording,

4. Classifying,

5. Summarizing,

6. Analyzing,

7. Interpreting,

8. & Communicating

the financial transactions & results thereof to the

stakeholders ( interested parties )


American institute of 

Certified Public

Accounting, (AICPA)


"Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing 

in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events 

which are, in part at least, of a financial character

 and interpreting the results thereof."

*It is the most widely followed definition.


American Accounting



Accounting is the "process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information."


1.5 Defference Between Book Keeping And Accounting


Book Keeping 









 It is the basis of accounting.

 It involves recording, posting, and preparation of trial balance.

 It is the work of clerical staff It records transaction in systematically manner Covers journalizing, posting and extracting balances. 

It does not accommodate any adjustments Its

 preliminary in nature

 It starts when b ok keeping ends It extends to preparation of final accounts and their analysis.

 It is the work of senior staff It classifies and summarizes and analyzes the information.

 It covers preparation of final accounts and balance sheet. Adjustments, transfer and allocations are made in preparation of final accounts It processes the primary information into secondary information.

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