Tally Prime Bike Showroom Accounting
Bike Showroom
Create Company
Press F11 Maintain Inventory : Yes , Enable Multiple Price Levels : Yes , Maintain Expiry Date for Batches : Yes
Create Ledger
Sale Party
1. Name : Shiva Motors , Under : Sundry Debtors , bill - by - bill : Yes
2. Name : Aditya Motors , Under : Sundry Debtors , bill - by - bill : Yes
Purchase to me
3 Name : .Mehjabin Motors , Under : Sundry Creditors , bill - by - bill : Yes
4.Name : Depak Motors , Under : Sundry Creditors , bill - by- bill : Yes
5. Name : Sale , Under : Sales Accounts , Type of Supply : Goods
6. Name : Purchase , Under : Purchase Accounts , Type of Supply : Goods
7. Name : IGST , Under : Duties & Taxes , Type of Tax : GST , Tax Type : Integrate
8. Name : CGST , Under : Duties & Taxes , Type of Tax : GST , Tax Type : Central Tax
9.Name : SGST , Under : Duties & Taxes , Type of Tax : GST , Tax Type : State Tax
10. Name : Finance Company Account , Under : Bank Accounts
11. Name : SBI , Under : Bank Account
12.Name : Capital Account , Under : Capital Account ↣ Alt + C
13.Name : Round off , Under : Indirect Expenses , Type off Ledger : Invoice Rounding , Round Method : Normal Rounding , Round Limit : 1
Create Stock Group
1. Name : Bajaj 2. Name : Hero 3.Name : Honda 4. Name : Suzuki
Create Units
1. Symbol : Nos (uqc ) : Nos Numbers
Create Stock Item
1. Name : Bajaj Pulsar 1250 , Under : Bajaj , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
2. Name : Bajaj Pulsar 220, Under : Bajaj , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
3. Name : Bajaj Pulsar 150 , Under : Bajaj , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
4.Name : Honda Actica6g , Under : Honda , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
5.Name : Honda Shine , Under : Honda , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
6. Name : Honda Dio , Under : Honda , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
7.Name : Hero Splendor , Under : Hero , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
8.Name : Hero Passion Pro , Under : Hero , Unit : Nos , M.Batches : Yes , Set / Alter Gst : Yes , Calculation Type : On Value , Taxability : Taxable , Tax Type : Integrate , Tax : 28% , Type of Supply : Goods.
1. Press F6
Particulars Debit Credit
Cr : Capital A/c 30,00000
Cur bill
Dr : Cash 30,00000
cur bill 30,00000 Dr
Voucher Press F9
1. Party A/c Name : Deepak Motor
Purchase Ledger : Purchase
Name of Item Qty Rate Per
1. Bajaj pulsar 125 2 Nos 72,122.00
2. Honda Actica 6g 2 Nos 65,892.00
3. Hero Passion Pro 1 Nos 60,960.00
Round off
2. Local party Purchase
Press F9 for Purchase
Party Name : Mehjabin Motor Bike Showroom
Purchase Ledger : Purchase
Name of Item Qty Rate
1. Honda Shine 20 Nos 69,415
2. Hero Passion 2 Nos 64,990
3. Bajaj Pulsar 2 Nos 92,657
4. Cgst
5. Sgst
6. Round off
Press F8 for Sale
*. Party A/c Name : Aditya motors
Sales Ledger : Sale
Name of Item Qty Rate
1. Bajaj Pulsar 1 Nos 80.000
2. Honda Actica 6g 2Nos 75.000
3. Hero Passion 1Nos 90.000
Asim Ahmed