Human Rights in Islam |
Human Rights in Islam
Islam is the religion of entire universe, which never differentiates be- tween people on the basis of ethnic back- ground, race, language or nationality. Islam is the first to lay down fundamentals of human rights in broadest sense. Islam accords the individuals a high level of esteem and dignity without recognizing any distinction in respect of race, class, language, colour or nationality. Islam considers men to be members of a family. Their divisions into nations, tribes and families are for a better understanding of each other but not in any way for estrangement. In Islam superiority of one over another does not depends on rank of status, wealth or nationality, but on the careful observance of duties and performance. The Holy Qur'an declares.
"O mankind ! surely we have created you from a single pair of male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is most dutiful of you. (Surah-Al-Hujrat)
Here the address to all mankind and the exhortation are to promote development of brotherly relation among all human beings without any consideration to their temperament race and language, surrounding and history, faith and practice .
Islam has promoted human rights and fundamental freedom for all and has granted women equal social right all their relationship with men and has confirmed complementary roles for them.
In his farewell pilgrimage sermon, the Holy Prophet (May blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) declared. "O! Men, your lord is one, your father is one. you all from Adam and Adam is of clay. Surely, the noblest of you with Al- lah is the most dutiful to you. No Arab has any preference over any non -Arab except the through party. "The Muslim Community, comprising about a billion people, is committed to the principle of human rights according to the teaching of Islam, as contained in the Holy Qur'an and traditions of prophet given almost 14 hundred years ago.
When in a passing moment of hu- man workness conceit. Abu Dharr at Ghifari one of prophet's companions called Bilal Ibn Raban "Son of black women" the noble prophet becomes very angry and Address Abu Dharr.
"There is a Trace of Pre-Islamic mentality in you are all defendants of Adam. The son of a black woman, ex- cept through righteousness." These some lofty principles apply to women just as they apply to men.
Taking into consideration all these values which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be on him) advocated and infused in life of multitudes of people all over the world, his roles as redeemer of humanity and the reformer of man's life on earth be readily conceived.
It people of good faith and principles follow his foot steps, they cannot fail to make our world a better world, by regaining the lost human dignity and honour and by ensuring quality to enjoy universal brotherhood and build tasting peace.
Md.Abdul Gofur